28827 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"
28828 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s%2s".
28829 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please check its location.
28830 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please choose correct location.
28831 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s".
28832 Error opening file.There are no fields in the file: "%1s".
28833 Warning - Dictionary file "%1s" not found. Please give location of dictionary used to create this report.
28834 Error - Dictionary file "%1s" could not be opened.
28835 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"
28836 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28837 Database file error.File could not be read due to memory error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28838 Database file error.File could not be read: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28839 Configuration Error.File could not be opened because the library "%1s" cannot be found.
28840 Configuration Error.Library "%1s" cannot be opened. Please check its configuration.
28841 Configuration Error.No database DLLs found ("PD*.DLL"). Please ensure that the application is installed in the same directory as the database DLLs.
28842 Configuration Error.Error loading "%1s" - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application.
28845 Configuration Error.Feature not supported by SQL DLL. Please upgrade to newer version.
28846 Error in file links.Warning: Fields in the report from the file "%1s" cannot be linked.
28847 Invalid file link. SQL tables must be joined on the same number of fields.
28848 Invalid file link. SQL stored procedures cannot be linked.
28849 Invalid file link. A File must be selected for this file link.
28850 Invalid file link. To link the same file to itself please assign two different aliases.
28851 Invalid file link. This file link already exists.
28852 Invalid file link. An index must be selected for this file link.
28853 Invalid file link. Field(s) must be selected from the first file. Click the combo box items to insert fields in the list box.
28854 File link warning. The specified fields may not link successfully due to different lengths (%1d and %2d respectively).
28855 Field not Found. The data dictionary field '%1s' not found.
28856 Error loading field. The data dictionary field (tableID %1l, fieldID %2l) cannot be loaded.
28857 An error handled by a DB DLL
28858 DB Error: Bad number of files
28859 DB Error: Invalid parameter values
28860 DB Error: No stored procedure found
28928 Seagate Crystal Reports: Field Error
28930 Bad formula code.
28931 Bad formula result.
28961 The field %1s does not exist in the database of this report.
29120 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Parser Error
29121 The matching ' for this string is missing.
29122 The matching " " for this string is missing.
29123 The matching } for this field name is missing.
29124 There are too many characters in this string.
29125 There are too many characters in this field name.
29126 There are too many digits in this number.
29127 There are too many letters and digits in this name.
29128 The word 'then' is missing.
29129 The word 'else' is missing.
29130 The ) is missing.
29131 The ] is missing.
29132 A number, currency amount, boolean or string is expected here.
29133 This field name is not known.
29134 A boolean range variable is not allowed.
29135 A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type.
29136 A variable name is expected here.
29137 The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
29184 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Compiler Error
29185 A number is required here.
29186 A currency amount is required here.
29187 A boolean is required here.
29188 A date is required here.
29189 A string is required here.
29190 A function is required here.
29191 A number range is required here.
29192 A currency range is required here.
29193 A date range is required here.
29194 A number array is required here.
29195 A dollar array is required here.
29196 A boolean array is required here.
29197 A date array is required here.
29198 A string array is required here.
29199 A number, currency amount, boolean, date, or string is required here.
29200 A number, or currency amount is required here.
29201 A number, currency amount, date, or string is required here.
29202 A number, currency amount, or date is required here.
29203 A string or an array of values is required here.
29204 A number array or currency array is required here.
29205 An array of values is required here.
29206 A number field or currency amount field is required here.
29207 This field cannot be summarized.
29208 A field is required here.
29209 This field cannot be used as a group condition field.
29210 A group condition is not allowed here.
29211 A group condition must be a string.
29212 This group condition is not known.
29213 There must be a group that matches this field.
29214 The summary field could not be created.
29215 The special variable field could not be created.
29216 Too many arguments have been given to this function.
29217 Not enough arguments have been given to this function.
29218 Too many items have been given to this array.
29219 The result of a formula cannot be a range.
29220 The result of selection formula must be a boolean.
29221 This field must be in the same section as the current formula.
29222 This field must be earlier in the same section as the current formula.
29223 This array must be subscripted. For example: Array [i].
29224 The result of a formula cannot be an array.
29225 Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999
29226 A formula cannot refer to itself, either directly or indirectly.
29227 There is an error in this formula. Please edit it for more details.
29228 A memo field cannot be used in a formula.
29229 This field has no previous or next value.
29230 A variable is required here.
29231 The variable could not be created.
29232 A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type.
29233 The formula cannot be evaluated at the time specified.
29234 This field cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
29235 This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
29236 This function cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.
29237 Sorry, this feature is not yet implemented. Try agian later.
29238 Error in parse tree. Please contact Seagate Software.
29239 The word 'else' is missing.
29240 Error in dBASE expression: %1s.
29241 Unknown error in dBASE expression.
29242 %1s
29243 The group name field could not be created.
29244 A time is required here.
29245 A date-time is required here.
29246 A time range is required here.
29247 A date-time range is required here.
29248 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Code Error
29249 A string range is required here.
29250 A time array is required here.
29251 A date-time array is required here.
29252 A number must be between 0 and 255.
29253 The formula result must be a number.
29254 The formula result must be a boolean.
29255 The formula result must be a string.
29256 Invalid time: hour must be between 0 and 23, minutes between 0 and 59, and seconds between 0 and 59.
29257 This function can only be used in formatting formulas.
29258 This function can only be used in field formatting formulas.
29259 This number must be an integer between 0 and 100.
29260 This number must be an integer between 1 and 100.
29312 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Evaluator Error
29313 Numeric overflow.
29314 Division by zero.
29315 Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999.
29316 A month number must be between 1 and 12.
29317 A day number must be between 1 and the number of days in the month.
29318 The number of days is too large or not an integer.
29319 A string can be at most 254 characters long.
29320 A subscript must be between 1 and the length of the string.
29321 A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array.
29322 The formula is too complex. Try simplifying it.
29323 The result of the selection formula must be boolean.
29324 The number of decimal places is too large or not an integer.
29325 The string in non-numeric.
29326 Cannot find "CRXLATE.DLL".
29327 "CRXLATE.DLL" is damaged.
29328 The number of copies of the string is too large or not an integer.
29329 %1s
29330 Sorry this feature is not yet implemented. Try again later.
29331 Error in formula code. Please contact Seagate Software.
29332 Error in dBASE expression: %1s
29333 Unknown error in dBASE expression.
29334 Hour must be between 0 and 23.
29335 Minutes must be between 0 and 59.
29336 Seconds must be between 0 and 59.
29337 Bad number format string.
29338 Bad date format string.
29339 Bad time format string.
29340 Bad date-time format string.
29341 Compare condition must be 0 or 1.
29342 String length is less then 0 or not an integer.
29343 Start position for string searching is less then 0 or not an integer.
29344 Invalid date or time.
29345 Number must be between 0 and 255.
29346 There is no business calendar set for the report.
29347 Business calendar function failed.
29348 The date is out of the business calendar's range.
29504 Seagate Crystal Reports: Load Error
29505 Error reading query file.
29506 Cannot open secure query.
29696 Seagate Crystal Reports: Data Source Error
29698 %1s\n\nThis group section cannot be printed because its condition field is nonexistent or invalid. Format the section to choose another condition field.
29729 Can not open database.
29760 Seagate Crystal Reports: Page Format Error
29762 The page size was not large enough to format the contents of an object in the report.
29786 Error formatting Blob Field.
29787 Error formatting Text Object.
29805 Error formatting OLE Object.
29807 Error formatting Field Object.
29822 Cannot get OLE image.
29824 Seagate Crystal Reports: Report Error
29826 Page Header plus Page Footer is too large for the page.
29827 Group specified on a non-recurring field.
29828 A Cross-Tab row has been specified on a non-recurring field.
29829 A Cross-Tab column has been specified on a non-recurring field.
29830 A summary has been specified on a non-recurring field.
29831 Invalid report schema.
29832 Invalid report version.
29833 Not a 4.x or earlier version of Seagate Crystal Reports.
29834 Error in making view format info.
29835 Error in getting data source.
29836 Error in creating new data source.
29837 Error in serializing view info.
29838 Error in storing report parameters.
29839 Error in loading report parameters.
29840 Can not open secured report.
29843 This version of Crystal Reports does not support OLAP.
30080 Seagate Crystal Reports: Export Error
30082 File I/O error.
30083 No export DLLs found.
30084 Failed to export the report.\n%1s
30400 Seagate Crystal Reports: Print Engine Error
30401 No error.
30402 Not enough memory for operation.
30403 Buffer too small for string or missing null byte.
30404 No print destination specified.
30405 Invalid job number.
30406 Invalid text or object handle.
30407 Report not found.
30408 Invalid table number.
30409 Invalid file name.
30410 Invalid field number.
30411 Invalid field name.
30412 Invalid formula name.
30413 Invalid sort direction.
30414 Print engine not opened.
30415 Invalid printer specified.
30416 Export file already exists.
30417 Error in formula %1s
30418 Invalid condition field in group section.
30419 Print engine already in use.
30420 Invalid section.
30421 No print window is opened.
30422 Print job already started.
30423 Invalid summary field.
30424 Not enough system resources.
30425 Invalid group condition.
30426 Print job busy.
30427 Unable to load report.
30428 No default printer.
30429 SQL server error.
30430 Invalid report line number.
30431 Disk full.
30432 File I/O error.
30433 Incorrect password.
30434 Can not find database DLL.
30435 Unable to open database.
30436 Error detected by database DLL.
30437 Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters.
30438 Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.
30439 Unable to connect: incorrect table location.
30440 Parameter has invalid structure size.
30441 Operation not yet implemented.
30442 Request cancelled by the user.
30443 Invalid date.
30444 Missing or out-of-date export DLL.
30445 Error detected by export DLL: %1s
30446 Unable to go to previous page when at first page.
30447 Unable to go to next page when at last page.
30448 Access to report file denied. Another program may be using it.
30449 Unable to open report because OLE 2.0 cannot be loaded.
30450 Invalid row or column field in cross-tab.
30451 No summarized field in cross-tab.
30452 Print destination is not export.
30453 Unknown label number.
30454 Table is not a stored procedure.
30455 Invalid parameter name.
30456 Invalid page number.
30457 Graph not found.
30458 Invalid graph type.
30459 Invalid graph data.
30460 Cannot move the graph to other sections.
30461 Invalid graph text.
30462 Invalid graph options.
30463 Invalid section height.
30464 Invalid subreport name.
30465 Field already exists.
30466 Invalid parent window.
30467 Invalid window magnification.
30468 Invalid value type.
30469 Invalid multicolumn label info.
30470 Page header or footer longer than a page.
30471 Low system resources..
30472 Report is not using Crystal Dictionary/Crystal Query.
30473 Invalid group number.
30474 Invalid object format name.
30475 Invalid negative value.
30476 Invalid memory address.
30477 Invalid object type.
30478 Invalid line style.
30479 Invalid cross-tab row or column.
30480 Invalid graph data type.
30481 Invalid paragraph number.
30482 Invalid alignment type.
30483 Invalid tab-stop number.
30484 Invalid embedded field number.
30485 Invalid subreport link number.
30486 Parameter field link already exists.
30487 Invalid cross-tab row col value.
30488 Invalid summary number.
30489 Invalid graph data field number.
30490 Invalid subreport number.
30491 Invalid field scope.
30492 Invalid report type.
30493 Field is in use.
30494 Invalid file type.
30495 Invalid database table alias name.
30496 Invalid special var type.
30497 Invalid parameter number.
30498 Invalid page margins.
30499 Report is based on a secure query. It cannot be set to non-secure report.
30500 Cannot open secure query.
30501 Invalid section number.
30502 Cannot open SQL server.
30503 Logon to APS failed.
30504 Logon to an APS different from the one used to create CIV.
30505 User has no bypass info view right.
30506 Invalid summary type.
30507 Invalid database link number.
30508 Not main report job.
30509 Table alias name already exists.
30510 Invalid cursor.
30511 First pass not finished.
30512 Creating data source failed.
30513 Creating drill down parameter failed.
30514 Encapsulating page failed.
30515 Encapsulating totaller failed.
30516 Checking for data source changes failed.
30517 Starting background processing failed.
30518 Drill on graph failed.
30519 Get last page number failed.
30520 Get page number for group failed.
30521 SQL server is in use.
30522 Group sort field cannot be set.
30523 Can not save summaries when not saving data with report.
30524 Unable to load OLAP Database Manager, OLAPDBMG.DLL.
30525 Unable to open OLAP cube.
30526 Reading OLAP cube data failed.
30527 Encapsulate field list failed.
30528 Unable to save query.
30529 Unable to read database for query.
30530 The number of days is too large or equal to zero.
30531 The main report field is linked already.
30532 Invalid mapping type value.
30533 Can not load fax dll.
30534 Unable to get printer information.
30535 Selected the wrong printer driver.
30536 Unable to create fax images.
30537 Unable to send fax.
30538 Hit test failed. Failed to locate report object with the given coordination.
30539 No SQL expression by the specified *name* exists in this report.
30540 No SQL expression by the specified *number* exists in this report.
30541 SQL Expression error: %1s.
30542 Invalid index for default value of a parameter.
30543 The specified PE_PF_* type does not have min/max values.
30544 The value types for both min and max values must be the same.
30545 The named parameter has no browse field defined.
30546 Cannot link tables
30548 Invalid field index.
30549 Invalid graph title type (PE_GTT_*).
30550 Invalid graph title font type (PE_GTF_*).
30551 The specified value type is different to the current value type.
30552 The value types for the start and end ranges is different.
30553 An operation was attempted on a discrete(range) parameter that is only legal for a range(discrete) parameter.
30554 Invalid faxDriver parameter value specified in the call to PEOutputToFax.
30555 An operation was attempted that is disallowed for subreports.
30556 Invalid index for current value of a parameter.